
I am a Research Associate in particle physics at the University of Cambridge with the High Energy Physics group. My research focuses on searching for new physics, primarily Supersymmetry, using data collected by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. In addition, I contribute to the ATLAS ITk upgrade project. I am part of the Cambridge ATLAS group.

I have a strong interest in the application of machine learning techniques, which have the potential to assist in discoveries of new fundamental physics. This lead me to take part in the 2019 NASA Frontier Development Lab, where I am now a fellow. The Frontier Development Lab aims to bring together researchers to apply machine learning techniques to some of the toughest problems in the space sciences.

Before coming to Cambridge, I completed my doctorate in particle physics at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Prof. Alan Barr.

While studying physics as an undergraduate student, I was also a member of the Universities Officer Training Corps, part of the British Army.

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